B. H. A. C. CO-ED
RULES 2014
Spirit of the league - We want the BHAC Co-ed Softball League to operate closely to an honor system where umpires are almost unnecessary, where players are adults who govern their own behavior and where the game is the thing. Our goal is for all players to strive competitively, to play fairly, to have fun, make friends and enjoy the experience.
The following exceptions to the A.S.A. Rulebook are noted herewith:
1.) Composition -Teams will be composed of no more than 15 players. During the regular season if a team does not have the requisite nine players that constitute an official squad, it may “pick-up” other league players that are handy. However, during the playoffs a team must play with only its roster players. An official squad is nine players; a complete squad is ten players. For playing purposes eight players may compete. Opposing team will be given the option of supplying a catcher or forcing the understrength team to play with only their eight players in the field.
1.1 BHAC Co-Ed Softball plays with free substitution in the field. All players are to be rotated equitably in the field by the team captain. All eligible players shall be placed into the lineup by the team captain at the beginning of each game.
1.2 Batters will bat in the turn specified. In the event of injury a batter can be removed from the lineup without penalty. However, the other captain and the umpire must be alerted to this move.
1.3 If a player's name is placed into the batting order and that player misses a turn at bat, an out will be declared, (unless there is an injury, see above.) If a batter bats out of turn (takes a pitch) he or she shall be declared out. Questions about any discrepancy in the lineup must be raised with the umpire before the next batter.
1.4 Late arriving players may enter the field immediately. However, they may do so only when there are less than 10 players present. If ten fielders are already in their fielding positions, the late arrival must wait until the next inning to play the field (unless there is an injury, in which case the late arrival can substitute for the injured player.)
1.5 A late arrival must be placed at the end of the batting order, (i.e. 10 players present, the L/A bats 11th). If their turn arrives (i.e. the 11th spot), they may bat at that point and not wait for an entire rotation of the lineup. Captains are under no obligation to secure equal playing time for late players. A late arrival is defined as anyone who arrives a) after his team’s lineup has been announced or posted by team captain or b) after his team or the opposing team has taken the field.
2) Sitting - All players must play and all players must sit at least one inning -- when twelve or more players are present on a team. This includes the pitcher. If only ten or less players are present, the pitcher must be changed for one full inning. A substitute pitcher or combination of substitute pitchers must register all three outs in one inning.
This substitution must take place within the regulation time of the game. For the visiting team - the pitching substitution must take place by the bottom of the sixth inning. For the home team it must take place by the top of the seventh.
3) Balance - Since the league is co-ed, teams in the field must be balanced with the presence of women players. Each league session varies in terms of numbers on a team. Therefore, the following situations can apply a) both teams have the same number of women – a decision is reached at the start that they play their women equally in time and positions. If one team is shorthanded their woman must play in the field (not catcher). If one team has no women – they take an out in the lineup in the fourth batting position and play with nine players in the field.
4) Base running. In order to avoid injuries – base-runners must run to the safety base at first.
4.1 At home plate there is a “commit” line. If the runner passes the commit line, the runner must come home and the play is a force-out. All plays at home are force plays. If the runner doesn’t pass the commit line – the runner may attempt to return to third base
4.2 Leads may be taken from a base only on the release of the ball from the pitcher’s hand. Umpires will call runners out who leave before the ball is released. The runner can be thrown out if the throw from the catcher beats the base runner back to the bag (force play is in effect.)
4.3 On a tag play if the runner leaves the bag before the ball is caught the runner can be called out by an appeal play. To put the appeal play into effect the pitcher or fielder merely has to call time before the next pitch is thrown and ask the umpire for a decision.
5) Females must be placed in the lineup every 4th batter. When a female bats, all outfielders must stand behind the white outfield line, cones in summer. They may cross these boundaries to make the play only upon ball being hit by the batter.
6) Mercy Rule - at any time a team is winning by ten runs after the losing team has completed its fifth inning the game will declared over.
7) Extra innings will decide tied games. Games will play to conclusion unless scheduling – becomes an issue i.e. Little League. All batters in extra innings will be given a One ball and One strike count (effectively making it a three ball-two strike limit.) There will be NO infield or pitcher warm-ups in extra innings.
8) Speed of the Game - Umpires upon declaring the ball in play, will call strikes if batter is not ready to hit. Likewise, if pitcher is not ready to pitch, balls will be called.
Pitchers will receive three warm-up pitches between innings. New pitchers will receive six warm-up pitches (including starting pitchers at game's outset.) Captains must have warm-up catcher ready to receive pitcher’s warm-up throws.
9) Safety
- Players shall stay behind the fences in their respective dugouts. To facilitate the speed of the game, the team at bat must have a player in the on-deck circle (handball court is on-deck circle.)
9.1 All bats should be kept behind fence, out of home plate area.
9.2 Umpires will emphasize the safety bases for the fielders at second, third and home. The base runner has the baseline; the fielder has the safety base (2nd, 3rd, home.)
9.3 The runner must run to the safety base at first.
9.4 There is a no collision/no blocking rule in effect, especially at home plate. When in doubt, the runner must go around not through the fielder. Intentional collision is an ejection offense. It is up to the umpires to decide if a runner’s path is impeded by the fielder -- forcing the runner to slow or go around, in which case the umpire can decide that the runner should be called safe.
9.5 At home plate there is a commit line, once the runner has advanced beyond that line the play at home becomes a force play. The runner must step on the safety plate.
9.6 The catcher must make the initial play at home. It cannot be poached by another player
10. Fence Rules - If the batted ball clears the fence (physically goes over) and is brought back into play by the trees, whatever the value of the hit is (where it went over i.e. the fence, hr, 2B or out) will hold (just like the major leagues i.e. ball might hit a facade and come back into field of play, ball remains a home run. However, if the trees deflect the ball before reaching or going over the fence the ball is in play. Woman hits fence (metal portion not concrete) on fly - HR. Fair ball hit to right field that goes behind fence on handball court without being touched by outfielder will be a triple.
10.1 Ball going into dugout or out of play on a throw, ball is dead, runners get base they are going to plus one. The base they are going to is a judgment call by the umpires judged at the point from when the ball goes out of play (Case: line drive hit to third with runners on 1st and 2nd. Fielder gloves ball causing one out. He overthrows first base in trying for double play. Runner at second was going back to 2nd to avoid being doubled - on overthrow that runner gets second base - base he was going to plus one, third base.)
10.2 Overthrows are live balls until they go out of play – runners take all the bases they can.
11. No bunting or stealing is allowed
12. Coaches - Teams are allowed 1 first base coach and 1 third base coach.
13. Retrieval of Ball - Team hitting ball over fence must retrieve it. They will hit against a practice ball until game ball is retrieved.
14. Intentional Walk - if 4 straight balls (no strikes) are pitched to a male batter hitting in front of a woman, he will be given second base. If there are two outs, male hitter will get 2nd and woman hitter will get 1st.
15. Pitching - ASA modified fast pitch rules will be strictly observed. Pitchers foot going behind rubber is considered automatic "rocker" motion. No sidearm, (automatic if 1st base umpire can see pitcher's number). No slinging, rocking, windmill. Pitcher must come straight to home plate with the pitch. within the plane of his body. Both feet must start on the rubber, one foot must be in contact upon release.
16. Batting - no throwing the bat. Batter will be warned on the first offense, called out on subsequent offenses.
17. Pinch runners - are available for injured players only. The last out before the base runner will be the sub. If the game situation is such that there are no outs prior to the pinch runner, last out in the prior inning will sub, in first inning -- last batter in the order will sub.
18. Sportsmanship Rule - Umpires may disallow a play (order it replayed or award compensation to offended team) if it is their ruling one team gained an advantage over another through unsportsmanlike behavior. i.e. false tags, yelling at an opposing player to distract them, Player may be ejected if in the opinion of the umpire the offense was flagrant i.e. injury possibility or causation.
In the event an umpire’s call is disputed -- only team captain may argue a team’s case. No other player should involve themselves in the dispute. Captains may ask the umpire to appeal to other umpires for help or a technical ruling.
19. The Death Penalty - If a player is ejected from a game, he or she can be suspended for up to the next three games. The penalty will be carried over into the playoffs, championship and the next season if necessary. Note: if a player's behavior is deemed egregious i.e. abusive, injury threatening or injury causing, chances are he/she will be removed from the league.
20) Rain Policy-If weather conditions are questionable players should call the club which will be in touch with league commissioner. Players should assume games will be played unless weather conditions are intolerable. When in doubt call the team captain.
21.Contesting umpire’s calls, belittling fellow players, arguing with team captains, habitual absenteeism or lateness are all offenses against the spirit of the league. A warning from the league will be issued to rein in such behavior, if it persists, the player will not be allowed to continue. A player who throws his or her equipment in disgust or anger is unsportmanlike and this behavior will not be tolerated. Umpire must issue a warning and in egregious cases eject the offending player from the game.
22) When in doubt the Commissioner will make a ruling – this is known as Catch 22